Headquartered in Iran and established in 2004, the parent company, also known as “Adam o Hava Tour and Travel Agency Co.” is a leading technology provider for local tour operators within the tourism industry. The company’s proprietary services help tour operators and hospitality businesses worldwide improve their operations, reach more customers, and practise sustainable tourism. The company does this by creating easy-to-use software, providing insights from data to help make better business decisions, and guiding businesses in environmentally friendly practices. Its services enable clients to grow efficiently and sustainably, appealing to today’s eco-conscious travellers. The company has a robust presence in the Middle East and has international offices in the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar.

The target market for the company consists of local tour operators who share several common challenges that inhibit their growth and operational efficiency. These operators often struggle with the complexities of managing multi-platform content updates, dealing with inconsistent booking flows, and the high costs associated with maintaining visibility in a crowded marketplace. Additionally, they face difficulties in accessing real-time data for inventory and pricing, which hinders their ability to respond quickly to market changes. This market segment is also increasingly pressured to adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices to meet the demands of eco-conscious travellers. By focusing on these pain points, the company positions itself as a crucial solution provider that enhances operational efficiency, expands

market reach, and supports sustainable tourism practices, catering specifically to the needs of these local tour operators.

The parent company also provides services to the following markets within the tourism sector:

  • Travel Agencies and Tour Aggregators
  • Eco-tourism Operators

Parent Company Support

The parent company will work in tandem with the Canadian entity to establish a strong local presence in Canada. This collaboration will focus on adapting to Canada’s distinct regulatory landscape, capitalizing on market opportunities, and recruiting and training local talent. Additionally, the partnership will involve transferring its proven business model and best practices to the Canadian context. Essential requirements will include ensuring compliance with Canadian environmental standards, integrating with local tourism and tech ecosystems, and developing partnerships with eco-tourism and cultural stakeholders to tailor offerings to the Canadian market.

The parent company’s support can be categorized into the following areas:

Access to Network

As a leading international company, the parent company brings a vast network of industry contacts, partners, and clients that the Canadian subsidiary can leverage. This access includes connections with major Online Travel Agencies (OTAs), global tour operators, and key players in the tourism technology sector. Utilizing this network can help the subsidiary secure favourable partnerships, expand its market reach, and accelerate its growth by tapping into established channels and customer bases.

Transfer of Best Practices

The parent company has honed its operational, managerial, and strategic practices over years of successful business across different markets. By transferring these best practices to the Canadian subsidiary, it can avoid common pitfalls and adopt proven strategies for efficiency, customer service, and innovation. This includes everything from effective marketing tactics and customer relationship management to advanced data analytics and inventory management.

Technology and Infrastructure Support

Leveraging its technological expertise, the parent company will provide the subsidiary with state-of-the-art software solutions, IT infrastructure, and technical know-how. This support ensures the subsidiary operates with high efficiency, enjoys seamless integration with international systems, and maintains robust security standards. Technology support also encompasses ongoing IT maintenance and upgrades, ensuring the subsidiary stays ahead in a technologically evolving industry.

Financial Support

Committed to the Canadian subsidiary’s success, the parent company has provided substantial financial backing to ensure a solid foundation. An initial investment of

$565,000 covers expenses related to office setup, technological infrastructure, and initial marketing efforts. This financial support facilitates a smooth market entry for the subsidiary, allowing it to focus on operational activities without financial constraints. The full amount has already been deposited into the Canadian subsidiary’s bank account. (For more details, see Section 12 – Financial Projections).

Regulatory Navigation

Navigating the regulatory landscape of a new country can be one of the most challenging aspects of establishing an international subsidiary. The parent company will provide expertise in compliance with Canadian laws and regulations, particularly those specific to the tourism and technology sectors. This includes assistance with obtaining necessary licences, complying with environmental regulations, and adhering to consumer protection laws. This support is vital for ensuring that the subsidiary operates legally and ethically, maintaining a positive reputation and avoiding legal issues.

Training and Development Program

To ensure that the subsidiary’s employees meet the high standards set by the parent company, a comprehensive training and development program will be implemented. This program will focus on equipping local staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to operate the advanced tour management platform, understand the

nuances of the Canadian market, and deliver exceptional customer service. Training will also include best practices in sustainable tourism, helping staff to implement and promote eco-friendly tourism practices effectively.

Parent Company’s Service Breakdown

Comprehensive Tour Management Platform

  • Centralized content management
  • Multilingual content creation
  • Real-time inventory management
  • Seamless OTA integration
  • Automated booking and payments system

Business Intelligence Tools for Local Tour Operators

  • Local SEO and digital marketing insights
  • Content performance analysis
  • Business analytics and performance metrics
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) analytics
  • Market trend analysis

Eco-Tourism Consulting

  • Sustainability assessment and planning
  • Eco-friendly tour package development
  • Indigenous community collaboration
  • Environmental education and awareness programs
  • Certification and accreditation assistance

Parent Company’s Organization Chart

Need   for   the   Beneficiary’s   Presence   in   the Canadian Company

As a subsidiary of its parent company, the Canadian branch will implement the successful business strategies that have made its parent company a leader in the tourism technology sector. However, the unique characteristics of the Canadian market, marked by user behavior and the regulatory landscape, necessitate a tailored approach. To effectively penetrate the Canadian market, the company requires a highly skilled Executive Director with international exposure in the tourism and hospitality sector. This role also demands profound entrepreneurial skills to navigate market complexities, customize solutions to meet local demands, and forge

strategic partnerships that enhance market presence.

With his extensive technical knowledge and proven leadership experience in the parent company, Mr. Seyed Mojtaba Mahdioun is the ideal candidate to guide the Canadian entity’s establishment during the first two years.

Mr. Mahdioun is an industry veteran with over 19 years of leadership experience in the tourism and ecotourism industry. He has been leading the parent company as its Managing Director since 2010, and he is well familiar with the company’s operations and core values.

Mr. Seyed Mojtaba Mahdioun’s leadership has been instrumental in expanding the company’s reach and enhancing its data analytics capabilities. Under his guidance, the company has successfully transitioned from a traditional travel agency into a pioneering technology provider, developing a robust software platform that empowers local tour operators to optimize their operations and expand their market presence globally.

During his leadership tenure, Mr. Mahdioun spearheaded the company’s expansion into the United Arab Emirates and Oman and Qatar. This rich experience equips him with critical insights into navigating complex regulatory environments, adapting business strategies to diverse markets, and forging key local partnerships, all of

which are essential for successfully leading the subsidiary’s expansion into Canada.

He holds a Doctor of Business Administration and is well-versed in the latest applications of technology in tourism. His expertise in strategic management, digital transformation, and sustainable business practices positions him to effectively drive growth, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure the company remains a leader in the tourism technology industry.

Lastly, Mr. Mahdioun has a wide network comprising key industry leaders, regulatory authorities, technology partners, and local tourism stakeholders in Canada. This network is crucial during the early stages of the subsidiary, facilitating market entry by providing regulatory guidance, technological integration, strategic partnerships, and insights into local market dynamics, all essential for market validation and localizing the company’s service offerings in the North American market.

Mr. Mahdioun’s leadership will be crucial in adapting the parent company’s successful business model to meet the unique needs of the Canadian market. As the incoming Executive Director of the Canadian subsidiary, he will oversee the entire operations of the branch. His responsibilities include conducting thorough market validation to ensure that the company’s offerings align with local demands and preferences. He will be integral in hiring and onboarding a competent Canadian team, fostering a workforce that is both skilled and culturally attuned to the

Canadian market. His role also encompasses comprehensive marketing management, devising strategies to effectively promote the subsidiary’s services across various channels to maximize reach and impact.

In addition, Mr. Mahdioun will maintain financial oversight, ensuring the subsidiary operates within budget while pursuing profitable growth. Ensuring compliance with all local laws and regulations will also be a key duty, as will securing partnerships with other businesses and stakeholders that can enhance the subsidiary’s offerings and market penetration. Moreover, he will be responsible for continual process improvement, leveraging technology to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Mr. Mahdioun’s comprehensive approach will position the subsidiary for success in a competitive landscape.

His presence in Canada during the first two years is instrumental for the company’s long-term success, providing the necessary guidance and leadership grounded in proven expertise and deep industry insight.

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